herbalist doctor

Friday, February 20, 2009

The question is

The question is - what flop do you want to see here? Any over-cards, connected cards (especially high ones) and suited cards have to be a worry. Of course 1 time in 7.5 you will flop a 3rd 10… but hang on, what if there is another high card or even 2, can you be sure that someone did not flop a straight?

continue that

especially out of position.
􀂾 Cold Calling Raises in Multi-way pots
􀂾 Post-Flop Play; Calling too much and Bluffing too much.
􀂾 Bet Size errors, Pot Control and Pot Odds.
o Playing too many hands, especially out of position…
In an average SNG your opponents will be playing a lot of hands, some as many as 40% of all hands dealt. This means that the flop will be seen by anywhere between 3 and 5 players on average. Their logic is that it is cheap to see the flop and potentially hit a monster. While this can happen the risks taken do not equal the chips gained! Let us look at a couple of examples.
Example 1; You are first to act on the very first hand of a SNG, you are dealt two black 10’s – not a bad starting hand but not a great one. You decide to raise 3 times the big blind to 60, everyone has 1500 chips to start…here is what happens.

- 3rd to act is Clive the Calling Station, he has KJ of hearts and calls because they are ‘Sooted’
- Fred the Fish in 5th Position has 44 and calls, the first 2 might be bluffing!
- Aggressive Andy is 6th and calls with 78 suited; he read in a book that suited connectors are good hands…
- The button has A6 off-suit but is getting 4/1 on his call and has position so calls too.
- The Big Blind has the mediocre Q9 off-suit, however he only has to put in 40 chips into a pot of 250 so makes the call.

The Early Stages

This version of “A Comedy of Errors” is the light or preview version. To get the full version with additional chapters on reading hands / players, Unexploitable Heads-Up play

􀀹 The Early Stages: Why ‘Tight is Right but Tighter is Righter’
􀀹 Middle Stages: Opening up and Stealing Blinds
􀀹 The Bubble: Why the bubble is the most important part of a SNG.
􀀹 In The Money: Now its Time to go for 1st
􀀹 (Full Version Only) Heads Up Play: Unexploitable HU Strategy and when not to use it!
􀀹 (Full Version Only) An Introduction to the Independent Chip Model (ICM) and how this can seriously improve your results
􀀹 (Full Version Only) Reading the Table and Individuals
􀀹 (Full Version Only) Common ‘Trap Hands’ and how to play them
􀀹 Software Tools to further Improve Your Game
􀀹 Bankroll Management and the importance of Bonus clearing

The Early Stages
Ok, so you have sat down in a $10+1 SNG at your regular poker site, the blinds are tiny compared to the starting stacks and the usual collection of novice players have sat down with you. What do you look out for? Here is a quick summary of the most common early game errors… we will look at each one in more detail below and then look at the counter-strategy.
􀂾 Playing too many hands,

A Comedy of Errors - Light!

A Comedy of Errors - Light!
Crushing SNGs by Exploiting your Opponents Mistakes
We all know where the money comes from in Poker right? It comes from your opponents mistakes! Fortunately there is one area of poker where there are simply more opportunities to make mistakes than any other… Low buy-in Sit and Go Tournaments.
This eBook will go through the stages of a SNG highlighting common errors that your opponents will make time and time again… In order to turn these errors into $$$ in the bank each section will contain an effective counter-strategy. In no time at all you will be crushing SNGs, clearing bonuses and cashing out again and again!!
This book assumes some familiarity with SNGs – if you are new to this area I suggest taking a look at the structure over at Full Tilt Poker first. You can use ‘play money’ until you are confident enough to make a deposit – as an introduction you can get a bonus matching your first deposit up to $600 when you use our exclusive bonus code PPUK01

Thursday, February 19, 2009



我一直在考虑一个新的(我)级在体育馆,重点间歇训练。我喜欢它让我伸展,提供一个具有挑战性的替代我的单独训练。教员的伟大:充满活力,积极的,只有把学生至于他们想要推。但是,有一天,她开始谈论她在课堂上甜品消费。 “我吃了蛋糕的其他夜晚,它在这里了! ” (指着外大腿)后来的阶级,她再次提到消费蛋糕,饼干和说: “还有谁在吃饼干?我知道我不是唯一的一个! ” (如在,让我们所有的工作更难-我们必须从我们的糖果! )

只是有点背景的情况下,您感到困惑,为什么我发现这种令人忧虑的: Cookie和蛋糕是不坏。我们并不需要弥补吃通过行使。演习(带或不带饼干/蛋糕) ,有利于我们的身体和心理健康。

好了,什么是一种饮食失调症的心理学家(谁也有健身背景)做在这样的情况下?我喜欢的课,但不喜欢这样的消息。而且,我已经有点政治议程,被告知真相。所以,我走近指导员下了课和告诉她,我得到它,但有一个小的关注。我提到我的工作和普遍存在的饮食失调。我什至spectulated关于饮食失调的发病率之间的阶级参与者(是的,我不知道EWHAED ,但如果我有赌博,我想说利率可能会高于这个类比一般人群) 。我解释说,对教练的评论说,联系工作,以食品可能引发对一些人来说,无助于许多,而且我一直欣赏的对话的重点是保健和健康利益的运动,而不是它的作用,热量管理。我试图传达的休闲方式,正如我能想象的感觉有点如果在防守上处理类似的反馈意见。因此,这里的踢球者-她说, “你说得对,你是完全正确的。其实,我是一名社会工作者。 ”








决bakeriana Craib 。

决bakeriana Craib 。

决bakeriana Craib
泰国名称: Kanpaphruek

树高达10米高;所有年轻部分人口稠密毛状。叶片paripinnate ,候补委员;叶让5-7对,椭圆形, oblanceolate ,宽1.5-3厘米,长6-8厘米;年轻传单浅棕色天鹅绒般的青春期。花序腋总状花序, 5-12厘米长;粉红色花朵。柜terete ,轻轻地向棕灰色天鹅绒般青春期。

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Men walk the "catwalk" Qiangshen impotence

Men walk the "catwalk" Qiangshen impotence

"Cat-step," the term for each person should not be unfamiliar for .. .. but most people think "cat step" only those models are patent, but .. the original Men take the "catwalk" .. can qiang kidney yang ..
Qiangshen for men, fashion model was originally patented "cat steps" to enhance sexual function has become the role of "step aerobics."
Qiangshen for men for a variety of fitness are highly concerned about all the secret. This does not, it is fashion model patents "catwalk", is also considered to enhance sexual function with the role of "step aerobics."
T-stage models in the "catwalk", which is characterized by the soles of the feet are the feet were "1"-shaped walking in a line. The original to the "catwalk" when, in addition to enhance physical fitness, alleviate the psychological pressure, because of position on the formation of a certain magnitude of hip-twisting, which perineal body can play a certain degree of squeezing and the role of massage.
Perineal body will have a YinXue, Chinese medicine practitioners believe that will YinXue an RenMai, are appointed, the Governor's second point of intersection of the pulse. Pressing this point is not only conducive to the urinary system health, but also conducive to physical illnesses and the whole organism.
So if a Man out of a certain period of time every day walk "catwalk" that can fill Bushen refined, enhanced sexual function.
Moreover, hip-twisting can not only make perineal muscles to maintain tension, but also improve pelvic blood circulation of a Man is able to prevent and mitigate the symptoms of prostatitis, and the female pelvic congestion can be reduced to ease the fall and abdominal pain.
In addition, every day doing crosstraining, freeclimber levator ani improve sexual function is also a good way of one of the coccyx pubis muscle exercise very effective, but also can reduce pelvic congestion.